If the K-Board is not connecting to the editor there are a few things to try out...
- Try unplugging the K-Board and plugging it back in.
- If you plugged the K-Board in after opening the editor, try it the other way around. Connect the K-Board, then open the editor. If you're already doing that, try it the other way. The order of operations can sometimes affect the results.
- Try restarting the computer. It's amazing how many infuriating tech headaches can magically disappear with a computer restart.
- If you're on Windows, make sure all other audio/MIDI applications are closed before opening the editor. Windows only allows a class-compliant MIDI device to be connected to a single application at a time.
- As a last resort, try manually reinstalling the firmware on your K-Board. This is essentially a factory "reset".
- If none of the above options solves the problem, contact KMI tech support.